Requirements File Name: friends_journal_reqs.html
Freinds Blog Requirements
Change Log
Version Date Author Changes Notes
1.0 2/15/2007 Kevin Puleo Added requirements  

This page allows registered aPix users to view blogs in a section exclusive to blogs.

Blogs may be sent from the user's phone or initiated from the web. Here are the differences in posts:
  1. Shout - is a text only post initiated from the web or phone and cannot be rated or commented on - user has no editing control - the shouts are first in first out
  2. Holla - is a text and image entry that can only be initiated from the phone and can be submitted to and rated in a contest and commented on - user has no editing control besides deleting it via the web only
  3. Blog - is a text and image entry that may be initiated from the phone or web, it cannot be submitted to a contest to be rated but may be commented on - user has editing control over text and image and may delete the blog via the web only
The user must be logged in to see and interact with this page.

Menu Items
There is a standard set of menu items that will go across the top of the content area beneath the main tabs. These menu items are (actual names TBD):
  1. Membername's Stuff - takes the user back to this page
  2. Hollas! - takes the user to a new page/section that has only hollas submitted from the phone - see that section for more info
  3. mBlog - takes the user to a new page/section that has only blogs submitted from the phone or web - SELECTED ON
  4. Pix - takes the user to a new page/section that has the albums of pix submitted from the phone or web - see that section for more info
  5. Friends - takes the user to a new page/section that has only friends in the user's network - see that section for more info

NOTE: All of the requirements written are from the voyeur use case. See this page for owner requirements.

The title of the page is Membername's Blogs where membername is the UGC owner's profile name.

Blog Module
  1. Title - displays the title of the Blog - since there is no notion of a subject line in aPix the first 5 words of the blog become the title - hyperlinked to opening the entry by itself with comments (if available)
    1. If the blog was posted within the last 48 hours it is given a new tag in the title line
  2. Post Date - displays the date and time of the post in this format: mm/dd/yyyy @ 00:00am or pm with where the blog was posted from, if it was posted from the phone then the rest of this line would display the phone make and model of the registered user's phone, if it was posted from the web then there would be no extra info to display
  3. Post - displays the full 240 character post
  4. Post Pic - displays the medium size picture
  5. Links
    1. Comments - selecting this link will open the blog into its own page with the blog and the associated comments in view
      1. If a comment was posted within the last 48 hours ia new tag is added to the comment line
      2. Displays how many comments are associated with the blog in front of the word comments
      3. If there are no comments then this link is removed and only the add comment is available
    2. Add comment - selecting this link takes the user to a page that has the blog and comments associated with it in its own page
      1. This link is not visible if the owner has disallowed commenting on the piece of content


  1. There are 10 blogs displayed per a page before pagination begins - newest blogs are displayed first
    1. There should be a way to traverse ahead or back with next and previous buttons to go back and forwared a page and also allow user's to skip to any page with a page link indicator button ie < Previous | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | Next>
  2. Blogs are displayed 1 item per a row