Requirements File Name: manage_pages_reqs.html
Manage Pages Page Requirements
Change Log
Version Date Author Changes Notes
1.0 1/23/2007 Kevin Puleo requirements added The HTML has been modified from its original incarnation to match the requirements

The purpose of this page is to allow members to see an overview of their community services. It also gives them a jumping off point to manage the various aspects of their community services like posting new blogs, deleting and adding pics, changing profile info, etc. The manage pages area is accessible to members from within their "My Pages" area. The Manage pages area has subsections as noted in the left column above. Each one of these use features will be detailed more thoroughly in subsequent sections.

The manage pages area defaults to displaying an overview of all of the services offered to the member by aPix. To use the manage pages area the user must be logged in.

There is a set of controls that will be available to the user to help them manage their message inflow and outflow.
  1. Go to start page - Takes user to their personal home page - see that section for more information
  2. Nav Box Links (Generally) - Links to other manage pages subsections - see those sections for more details
    1. If the link is selected in the left that link will be treated differently (on status - look TBD) then the rest of the links in the menu box
  3. FAQs - This section has links to articles and how-tos on manage pages behaviors the user may be interested in. Most of these will be text based

Statistics & Supporting Controls
There is a set of controls that will be available to the user to help them gain access to manage their pages.
  1. Profile
    1. Profile Pic - dispays the user defined pic that will show on the user's profile module on all of their public facing UGC pages and messaging activities. If the user has not defined a pic a placeholder pic will be provided by the system. There will be two pics the system may use: male or female. The pic displayed will be determined by the gender profile parameter.
    2. MemberName - displays the member's profile name
    3. Profile: - displays a status message of how much the profile has been completed/what tasks still need to be done. So if all of the profile items have information then the message will display a complete message. However, if there are still items to complete like "status" then the message would notify th user to that fact ie "Incomplete: Status" - actual messaging TBD
    4. Member since: - displays the date of when the user first started using the service
    5. Views: displays how many times other members have visited any page the user owns
    6. Manage your profile link - takes the user to the edit/manage profile area
  2. Friends - displays all stats based on activity under friends subsection
    1. Bookmarked friends - these are members being tracked from within the mobile app. The number displayed here is the number of friends added to the user's mobile app in the friends section since the user's last visit to the website. The link takes the user to the manage friends subsection.
    2. Invite Friends link - takes the user to the invite friends tab under the friends subsection
    3. Manage Friends link - takes the user to the active friends tab under the friends subsection
  3. Message Center - displays the number of new messages waiting in the message center queue. This number is a sum of any new (bolded) message, invitation, or comment
    1. View Messages link - takes the user to the main page of the message center
    2. Settings link - takes the user to the message center subsection
  4. My Pics - displays the number of pics in the user's gallery. It also says how many have tags and then the sum of all the comments on all pics
    1. Upload New link - takes the user to the upload pic section
    2. Manage Gallery link - takes the user to manage their existing pics
  5. Hollas - displays the number of hollas in the system made by the user
    1. Manage Hollas link - takes the user to the manage hollas subsection

Promotional Space
Used to promote whatever the content and marketing teams want.