This page allows registered aPix users to manage their profile information. The information in the form is a combination of profile questions asked when registering on the mobile device and web only questions that do not appear on the device anywhere.
Some items represented in the form are required others are not. Validation of the form happens once the submit button is selected. Once submitted all elements are stored in the user DB.
There are two areas/tabs associated with the user's profile. The first tab is "
- Vitals & Interests" (actual name TBD)
- Mobile Info - houses all mobile and phone information - This tab gets an ON state when selected and houses all non-mobile/phone information
These same two tab labels also show under the Profile button/link in the left side navigation box.
The Form (Top to Bottom)
All form elements shuld be validated and stored in the DB.
All of the following inputs are required once the user goes down the path of entering their phone information.
- Carrier
- Required pulldown
- The actual items in the pulldown are carriers that FM and aPix support, they could include things like: Cingular, Verizon, Sprint, etc. - "Select..." is the default selected state
- Validation
- The user must select something besides "Select..."
- Possible Errors
- None if left in its default state
- If other fields have been touched in the mobile information area then there will be an error if left in its default state. However, this error will be very rare based on how this portion of the form works
- Phone Make
- Required pulldown only if Carrier has been changed from its default state - This pulldown remains disabled and unpopulated until Carrier is changed. Based on what carrier is selected then the pulldown gets populated with the relavant phone makers for that carrier that FM and aPix support
- The actual items in the pulldown could include things like: Motorola, Sony, Nokia, etc. - "Select..." is the default selected state
- Validation
- User selects something besides "Select..."
- Possible Errors
- Left on the "Select..." selection
- The user submits the form before completing the rest of the mobile information
- Phone Model
- Required selection only if Phone Make has been changed from its default state - This area remains disabled and unpopulated until Phone Make has been changed. Based on what Phone Make is selected then the area gets populated with all of the relavant phones from that maker for that carrier that FM and aPix support
- The actual items in the area could include the image and model name of the phones
- Once a phone has ben selected all other phones are removed from the display except the selected model. If the "I don't see my phone" checkbox is selected then all of the phones are removed leaving only that checkbox. Unchecking the box will reveal the phones again.
- Validation
- User selects something besides nothing
- Possible Errors
- Nothing is selected
- The user submits the form before completing the rest of the mobile information
- Phone Number
- Required selection only if a Phone Model has been selected - These text fields remain disabled and unpopulated until a Phone Model has been chosen.
- Area Code text field - 3 characters min and max, only numbers are accepted
- Phone number prefix text field - 3 characters min and max, only numbers are accepted
- Phone Number Suffix text field - 4 characters min and max, only numbers are accepted
- When the user finishes entering 3 digits/characters in the first text field they are automatically tabbed to the next text field. After they have entered 3 digits/characters in the second field they are automatically tabbed to the last/thisrd text field
- Validation
- User enters 10 digit phone number
- Possible Errors
- Nothing is entered in one or more fields
- Character min max has not been met in one or more fields
- Unsupported characters are detected in one or more fields
- The user submits the form before completing the rest of the mobile information
- Mobile Terms and Conditions
- Required checkbox button - checked by default
- One checkbox where the user chooses between accepting or not
- Unchecked as default
- The Link in the question does not take the user to a new page if selected, rather it opens an iframe/div below the checkbox area that loads and allows the user to read the T&Cs. The reading area should be 100% wide and about 250px high
- Validation
- Must be checked for form to validate
- Possible Errors
- Left unchecked
- Save Submit Button
Once this button is selected all of the form elements are validated. If the form validates then the user is shown a message at the top of the page that their profile has been successfully updated. If the form does not validate then the user is shown the same form again with their inputs but the errors are called out inline with the form. Click here to see an example error page. Once the form validates all of the form elements get stored in the DB.
- Browser Back Button - - selecting this will not cause an error but any changes made will be lost