After a registrant has entered their phone information in step 2 they are taken to a page like this where they must verify their phone.
Once the phone information is entered in the Registration Step 2, FunMobility sends an SMS to the new user asking them to verify their phone. As the SMS is being sent the web page changes to display the form field where the code should be entered.
- Web Message
- Marketing message telling user to check their mobile phone for verification code - actual message TBD
- Mobile SMS Message
- Marketing message telling user to enter verification code on the site - actual message TBD
- Verify Form
- Required text field
- Validate
- User enters code from SMS message
- Possible errors
- Field left blank - this is okay as long as the user does not select the verify submit form button, if this does happen then an error is given - You need to enter a valid code
- Wrong code - You need to enter a valid code
- Skipping the validation is allowed and may happen via some sort of link or button that will either take the user to Step 3 of the registration process or to the user's profile page
- Browser Back Button - selecting this will cause a form error
- The error page should say that they cannot modify anything and that they need to go to the next page - actual messaging TBD
Step by Step Progress
On the left of the page there is a module that shows how many steps are in the registration process and where the user is at in the process.
- On this page Step One and Two are at full saturation while step 3 is dimmed but still legible.
- Under Step One it tells the user they have successfully completed that step and displays their relevant inputs.
- Inputs to display
(line by line)
- UserName
- First Name Last Name
- email address
- City, State Zip
- Date of birth
- Under Step Two it tells the user they have successfully completed that step and displays their relevant inputs.
- Inputs to display
(line by line)
- NOTE: Some items may be missing due to not being filled in by the user during this step.
- Picture Uploaded message with profile pic
- About - 80 characters max display anything over is truncated
- Hobbies and Interests - 80 characters max display anything over is truncated
- Relationship status
- mobile information
- Phone number where the last 4 digits are x'd out ie (415) 123-XXXX